Recent content by Govert

  1. Using C# in Excel

    I imagine the ultimate tool for Excel add-ins with .Net would have to combine: - The extensive functionality that ManagedXll provides for making advanced add-ins in .Net - an overview and examples of this works is here: http://www.stochastix.de/solutions/excel/managedxll/latest/features. - The...
  2. Using C# in Excel

    Hi Andy, Yes, I develop ExcelDna. I try to make a significant improvement every year - last year I changed the whole unmanaged part to be much cleaner and friendly when there are problems like .Net not being installed. And in December I added support for all the extra Excel 2007 stuff like...
  3. Using C# in Excel

    You should also have a look at ExcelDna - http://www.codeplex.com/exceldna and the newsgroup at http://groups.google.com/group/exceldna. ExcelDna allows managed assemblies to expose user-defined functions (UDFs) and macros to Excel through the native .xll interface. The project is open-source...