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Recent content by hsyam

  1. Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    Hi Dominic, I sent you a copy of my resume several weeks ago, but still haven't received the copy of the Guide to Quant Careers and was wondering if you can please forward it to me.. My email address is jkap09@gmail.com
  2. Paul & Dominic's Guide to Quant Careers Version 2.0 Now Available

    I have also send my resume a couple of weeks ago....could you please forward me the copy as well at jkap09@gmail.com
  3. COMPARE CMU- Pitts vs. NYU

    I was admitted to both the full time programs @ alain, I think experience/views is always good to know :)
  4. COMPARE CMU- Pitts vs. NYU

    @ alain, I know I have to make the decision.....but I am seeking everyones view/opinion
  5. COMPARE CMU- Pitts vs. NYU

    Hi, I have been admitted to both the programs, which one should I go for. Please provide your comments.