Recent content by iddqd

  1. iddqd

    Texas Hold'm Odds of set on flop

    I think the calculation you often see is the complement of not flopping a set, that is 1 - (48/50)*(47/49)*(46/48) So yes this would include FH/quads
  2. iddqd

    The underground world of China

    Thank you, you've said it better than I would have myself.
  3. iddqd

    The underground world of China

    Lol.. Have you been to china lately?
  4. iddqd

    Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is Time's 2010 Person of the Year

    It should be pointed out the person that Time selects rarely coincides with the top vote-getter in the Internet poll, so this is not a one-time switch that they made.
  5. iddqd

    Boutique Investment Banks

    http://www.leveragedsellout.com/2005/09/the-boutique/ Just in jest
  6. iddqd

    Realized Volatility Calculation

    The trade 2 win calculation is correct, I am pretty sure that is what Wilmott must have meant also.
  7. iddqd

    Norwegian traders convicted for outsmarting US stock broker algorithm

    It appears they are talking about taking advantage of the broker's "auto-ex" feature. It's not really as clever as some of the articles make it sound. Google it, people have done in this same thing in the US 10 years ago.
  8. iddqd

    7.7 Jane Street interview questions

    People everywhere tell stories about particularly bad interviews. Goldman is certainly not an exception!
  9. iddqd

    S&P 500 GICS info

    I could be wrong but I think S&P keeps this pretty locked down. (ie not free)
  10. iddqd

    About C++

    1) Agree with what others have said. Focus on one thing first, once you have strong programming fundamentals picking up other languages will be easier. You could potentially need any of the other languages listed at some point. 2) Use Visual Studio if you're doing Windows. Once you get...
  11. iddqd

    GMAT or GRE for the MFE ?

    If you can't get to the point where 790-800 is possible after a few hours of practice tests, don't bother.
  12. iddqd

    Women Sue Goldman, Claiming Bias in Pay and Jobs

    The weird thing is that it happened in 97, she said something in 99, and now it's a lawsuit in 2010?
  13. iddqd

    Susquehanna International Group Internship

    I have friends that work at SIG and have worked with the company professionally (as a software vendor). You don't have the profile they are looking for. Also like others have said anyone can win one tournament (see: Jerry Yang). The 100R on Stars is one of the toughest games on the net and I...
  14. iddqd

    Algo trading software went wild, lost $1M in one second

    Sounds like a poker player :)
  15. iddqd

    Algo trading software went wild, lost $1M in one second

    HFT Crop Circles I don't think I've seen this posted here before, this is an interesting look into some of the things that go wrong with these HFT algos. It's also a bunch of pretty pictures. http://www.nanex.net/FlashCrash/CCircleDay.html