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Recent content by jascia shen

  1. UCB MFE How much C++ does UCB use in their program?

    Here is my feeling of NYU courses regarding programming (I might have some incorrect thoughts before): Different courses even different professors require different languages. Before I started I barely know any programs as my background is not CS or EE. But after three semesters, I feel pretty...
  2. Specific work experience before applying to MFE programs? And other general questions

    I think depending on the schools. Some do favor previous experience in banking or similar. Some do not care that much. You can check individual program.
  3. NYU MSMF Career Future for Part-time MFE at NYU

    Hi, I am relatively new to this forum. I am currently part-time MFE student at NYU. Just completed half of my coursework. It looks very difficult even for full-time students to find intern and full-time jobs now. I am getting so worried about the future. I am currently working in engineering...
  4. On Line Courses on Financial Engineering

    Also I guess for NYU they want to keep the placement rate high. With PT students it might be tough to place all of them. Just guess.
  5. On Line Courses on Financial Engineering

    I am just wondering the Columbia CVN program will offer you the same degree? Will you get all the opportunities like career services as full-time student? (I am living near NYC) How hard is it to get into the program?