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Recent content by nwhitehead

  1. Who uses Latex?

    (\LaTeX) is the shizzle! My academic career has been long enough to be on both sides of handing in homework typed up in latex. It's awesome. I found it incredibly helpful in learning and getting practice with latex, especially complicated formulas. For one class I even set up commands to...
  2. Matrix Multiplication: C++ Multithreading Without Thread Synchronization (With Source Code)

    I'll put in a shameless plug here for my group (NVIDIA CUDA group): use CUBLAS on the GPU! CUDA 3.2 performance report The report has some slides on performance measures comparing MKL versus CUBLAS. If you need fast matrix multiply, you really want to look into GPUs. The BLAS interface was...
  3. Monte Carlo and Writing Calls

    I just read Volatility Trading by Euan Sinclair and liked it.