Recent content by samson

  1. What do you guys think of this?

    http://www.reuters.com/article/ousiv/idUSL2422759120080524 BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States is already in a recession and it will be longer as well as deeper than many people expect, U.S. investor Warren Buffett said in an interview published in German magazine Der Spiegel on Saturday...
  2. Does this problem have a solution?

    Lisp tackles such mathematical problems easier. I am a little rusty but here is a simple solution. ; Consume a list of single digits, subtract 6 from each item, and filter out the negative values (define (reduce-list list) (cond [(and (>= (- (first list) 6) 0) (empty? (rest list))) (-...
  3. Help me beef my resume for an undergrad finance position.

    true. I will probably end up studying Excell and VB just as they are not very complex to get a good background in and almost every business uses them, and then C++ and check out if there are some open source finance projects and study their code.
  4. Help me beef my resume for an undergrad finance position.

    Currently doing an undergrad in mathematical finance, I have 6 coop terms and I am on the first one doing data mining for the government. This job is easy and relaxed, so I will take the opportunity to learn a few things to try and land something finance related in the fall coop term. I...
  5. Good undergrad for financial eng?

    sorry if I wasn't clear. I was wondering what is the better option, to do an undergrad in actuarial science where i do up to calculus 3 and some financial mathematics and statistics, or do a mathematical finance degree which is pure math mixed with mathematical finance. while one is more...
  6. Good undergrad for financial eng?

    Honours Math Finance mixture of pure math, statistics, and financial mathematics. mathematical finance at uwaterloo. I am there now in general first year math and choosing my major second year. this looks like a great plan for financial engineering, my only worry is that i won't be able to get...