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  1. Simons, Mandel Post Their Biggest Drops in Fund Slump

    Original article: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a4i5haSt2ECw&refer=home April 8 (Bloomberg) -- Hedge-fund titans James Simons and Stephen Mandel are showing the biggest losses of their careers in the $1.9 trillion industry's worst start in almost two decades...
  2. Lunch with the FT: Nassim Nicholas Taleb

    http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/2855f64c-f976-11dc-9b7c-000077b07658.html (You have to sign up for a free acct. to view the whole article) I find Taleb's views fascinating, and thought you guys would enjoy this article.
  3. Becoming a trader: MBA vs. MFE

    If I wanted to make the transition from a tech background (B.S. in Comp Sci) to trading (not development or research), which degree would put me in a better position to make that switch: an MBA in Finance or an MFE? And why?