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  1. Yassine

    Dennis Ritchie passed away

    Father of C and co-creator of Unix. Sad news. https://plus.google.com/u/2/101960720994009339267/posts/ENuEDDYfvKP?hl=en RIP dmr.
  2. Yassine

    God's laptop

    Hackers love Mac: http://www.paulgraham.com/mac.html I agree with pg, beautiful machine running freebsd, what else does one need. Hell, even the old unix hackers from bell labs run osx nowadays. That should make some pause for a sec and wonder why.
  3. Yassine

    God's laptop

    I guess this belongs here
  4. Yassine

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    Also the classic Round Manhole Covers, or: If Richard Feynman applied for a job at Microsoft
  5. Yassine

    C and C++

    What a great book! Good call Simon.
  6. Yassine

    Free Education in France?

    Well, it's "free" (~1k/year) ; and "open to all" (i.e. you can enroll in 1st year if you have a high school diploma). If by 'some class' you mean anyone can just attend some classes, I have never heard of that; you're supposed to be enrolled as far as I know. Are you referring to something in...
  7. Yassine

    Better fonts for coding

    2 others Adding 2 others I like into to the mix: a clean one: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono (Bitstream Vera Fonts README) --just realized this one was mentioned before, I guess it's a good one and for an old school feel: Glass TTY VY220 (Hacking with Style: TrueType VT220 Font) --you can skip to...
  8. Yassine


    MTH 9831 "Probability: Theory and Examples" Rick Durrett: http://www.math.duke.edu/~rtd/PTE/PTE4_Jan2010.pdf
  9. Yassine

    Artificial Intelligence Textbooks?

    This is the classic: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
  10. Yassine

    Free software for plotting 3D graph

    Try gnuplot maybe.
  11. Yassine

    Baruch MFE
