Search results

  1. CS phd

    Hey, Looking to get some color on a CS phd from someone who has done one / involved in academia. I would prefer to keep this private, so if you message me your e-mail address I will go further into details. Thanks!
  2. feedback on portfolio web-applet

    basic form that registers portfolio positions and tracks real time price, factors in txn cost, and gives you your LTD p and l. http://www.jasonmellone.com/garage/portfolio/?user=demo if you change ?user=[yourname] it will create a new portfolio on the fly. dates are YYYYMMDD format...
  3. Algorithmics Text

    I will be auditing a graduate level course this fall in algorithms (optimization, graph theory etc in C++). The recommended text by the professor is: Fundamentals of Algorithmics by Brassard. This book has received awful reviews on amazon, and was hoping someone on here may be able to...