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All guys should show to this article to their girlfriends.

Joy Pathak

Love, sex and the male brain - CNN.com

Really interesting article on the male brain.

All that testosterone drives the "Man Trance"-- that glazed-eye look a man gets when he sees breasts. As a woman who was among the ranks of the early feminists, I wish I could say that men can stop themselves from entering this trance. But the truth is, they can't. Their visual brain circuits are always on the lookout for fertile mates. Whether or not they intend to pursue a visual enticement, they have to check out the goods.

When you're telling your husband your problem and he tries to solve it instead of hearing you out, you may think he's being insensitive. But that's not what's going on in his brain. He's working to solve the problem so he can relieve your pain as quickly as possible. Not because he doesn't care or doesn't want to listen, but because he loves you.

Lol I showed it to my gf the moment I read it.
Love, sex and the male brain - CNN.com

Really interesting article on the male brain.

Do male quants have girlfriends? The writer is a woman and she focuses on matters that probably bore a lot of men. I doubt all these things (sex, love, "relationship," empathy) are that important to men, particularly once they're out of their teen years.

I recall read reading a novel, "The Dragon Variation," by Anthony Glyn, several years back. An American chess grandmaster has adjourned his game (i.e., it will resume the next day). He's making love to his girlfriend in the evening, when suddenly he sits bolt upright:

"Good lord"
"What is it, honey?"
"What if he moves his king to e6?"
Do male quants have girlfriends? The writer is a woman and she focuses on matters that probably bore a lot of men. I doubt all these things (sex, love, "relationship," empathy) are that important to men, particularly once they're out of their teen years.

I recall read reading a novel, "The Dragon Variation," by Anthony Glyn, several years back. An American chess grandmaster has adjourned his game (i.e., it will resume the next day). He's making love to his girlfriend in the evening, when suddenly he sits bolt upright:

"Good lord"
"What is it, honey?"
"What if he moves his king to e6?"

Hahaha @ chess statement. Well, I just thought it was an interesting article. Kind of "scientific" proof to something men have been saying always about themselves.

You're right in saying that those factors aren't as important to men out of their teen years but it is still interesting to see that a woman is stating such facts about men. .