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Columbia MSOR Anyone else headed to Columbia MSOR?

If i get confirmation mail i will come because other options i have are are not that great i.e MISM of CMU and NYU. Also, i hope Columbia OR would help me step into finance domain. What do you say about this
I don't know much about MISM of CMU and NYU, but with Columbia brand name and its curriculum I think we will be well-prepared for our first job. Columbia OR students can select many of courses of FE. (This is discussed on another thread which you might already see.)
thanks descendents i hope i get the confirmation mail from columbia soon. I wanted to discuss the curriculum and about electives in this course so could any tell me where should i post my queries or is there any thread where this kind of discussion is going on
Figured the email I got from a MSOR alum might be helpful:


It is hard to land a job after graduating as you are competing with a number of undergrads, grads and phds. The department does help you but the spots are limited.
On the other hand, you are in a financial hub and graduate from a renown school.
Yes you can do a lot of FE courses even if you are in OR however FE students are considered more attractive.
All in all finding a job is hard but not impossible. You have to network, apply to a lot of places and things then generally work out.

Also, I emailed the admissions and was told that they are expecting 110 MSOR students :eek:
Hey fellow MSOR-ers,

I was actually exchanging "conversations" earlier with another MSOR hopeful about the e-mail in regards to deposits, etc. It seems like those e-mails are starting to come in, but obviously, not everyone has gotten them. I wouldn't worry too much at this point...

Also based on what was said earlier, I would not depend on the brand name of Columbia alone to get you a job. You are going to have to fight for certain classes. You are going to have to network HARD, since there is not a career officer that will be dedicated to help you find internships/jobs. And it's really not a quant program. I don't know anything about MISM of CMU and NYU, but don't just go with brand name as your main ranking variable. Besides, CMU and NYU are pretty darn good. And that's an understatement.


I started a thread 2-3 weeks ago asking who else is going to the MSOR. There have been some discussion between me, and a couple others (othsec for example). Please feel free to post there so we can have one thread to refer back to.

I don't think so... the class size is just too big and you also have the MSFE students who are more attractive when it comes to finding jobs in quant finance.
Hey Roni,

Great info on the class size. I actually was expecting more like 150 students for the incoming class - but with 110, you are still going to have to fight to take certain classes.

Also, great post on the e-mail from the alum. I just don't think those points pointed out are really being understood by a lot of the applicants. Thanks again!
Sure Forza i will post my queries there but please tell me the name of the thread
Just want to let people know that I just received email saying I'm officially accepted by MSOR, and will receive stuff in the mail next week.
Hey fellas,

Just got my e-mail too...I guess we should all e-mail them back saying we got the e-mail? The application process has been interesting to say the least!


Have you made up your mind yet where you are going?