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C++ Help!

Hi guys, I am trying to teach myself excel addin development using C++ by reading "Financial Applications Using Excel Add-in Development in CC++." but i find it hard to understand. I am thinking i might not have enough prerequisite knowledge to learn these stuffs. So I am writing this thread in the hope of getting some advice where to start.

Here is an overview of my background in C++:
I am pretty comfortable with writing C/C++ consoles application using variables, loops, vectors, structures and classes. I have also taken a data structure and algorithm course in C++. But i don't really have much objected oriented and WIN32 programming experience. Maybe this is causing the troubles.

My goal is to be able to understand the book "Financial Applications Using Excel Add-in Development in CC++" and create my own excel addins to solve real world problem.
Can anyone give me some guidance where to start to catch up these knowledge? I will appreciate it!
