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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Career advice

Hi all, I'm a Senior Software Engineer working in Italy.
Every 3 years I make big decisions for my career. I love my job, and I started to learn trading and finance self-studying arguments online with courses almost 3 years ago.
Sometimes I developed scripts and analyses to build a portfolio of ideas that can help me with my trading analysis. The next big decision is to start algotrading and quant finance studies.
I've 26 years with 8 years of work experience related to different IT scenarios(mobile, web, desktop, backend, frontend, cloud) and I need advice to start thinking about how to pass from software engineer to quant developer.
I did not graduate because I left university studies this year(too expensive for a paper that I don't need because in Italy/Europe a degree is not necessary to work).

Waiting for some advices.