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Jane Street quant trading internship interview

I applied for quantitative trading internship, got the phone interview and I think I did well. However, I haven't heard from them in just over two weeks!

What do?
What "doing well" means in a Jane Street interview can be pretty subjective... I interviewed with them a while ago but as I recall they asked me like 5 questions, I got like the first 4 right or something, missed the 5th, and then never heard from them again... they're pretty tough.
What "doing well" means in a Jane Street interview can be pretty subjective... I interviewed with them a while ago but as I recall they asked me like 5 questions, I got like the first 4 right or something, missed the 5th, and then never heard from them again... they're pretty tough.
I see. So it's normal that they don't even email you if you have not been accepted...
