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LSE Stats Finance Undergrad

Hey all!

New here - first post. LSE stats/finance undergrad. Graduate 2014. Grade: min(2:1,first) with probability 1. haha I like my math modules (find them 'easier' then anything else) and want to have a career that I will enjoy vs 'do it for the money'. Learnt this the long hard way ;)

I tried IBD/M&A - didn't like it much. Talked to a few people who told me to think about quant work/HF's/prop trading firms.

I'm not sure if I'm qualified enough though. Why?

1. We don't learn any programming apart from a tiny bit of R which is in a third year stats module (not covered yet). And we use MAPLE sometimes also. Apart from that - nothing. I keep seeing programming as a pre-requsite to most quant/prop trading jobs. Sure I can learn myself. But I won't have 'experience' like a CS etc student would right?
2. I keep seeing that you need a Master's/PHD etc to get into these places?
3. I'm not a super brain - I'm smart but not Einstein smart (I know those people) and sometimes struggle on those 'brainteaser' type questions. Give me time and I can solve it - I'm just not super/naturally fast. I heard they ask loads of math/stats/brainteaser questions during interviews?

Need some careers advice. What should be my strategy?
I'm all ears :D

Was thinking of applying to prop trading firms/HF's etc but most want grads or Maths/Physics/CS etc students. Not sure where I fit/what to do with myself.

(CV available upon request)