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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Is MBA necessary after MFE for growing higher in an organisation?? I heard that lots of quants do MBA after a few years
Is it like MFEs remain in back end jobs for ever or there is a scope to move to front end jobs?
Which qualification (MBA/MFE) would be a best way to become a trader in any investment bank??
How is the growth for MFEs w.r.t salaries compared to MBAs?

Is MBA necessary after MFE for growing higher in an organisation?? I heard that lots of quants do MBA after a few years
And those quants already have MFE ? Also, they may do MBA to change career, not neccessary required to move up.
Is it like MFEs remain in back end jobs for ever or there is a scope to move to front end jobs?
One may work in back office with a MBA/MFE/PhD/BS/MS/BA/etc....it's up to that person's ability, not what his degree is. Like wise, lot of traders, front office people only have a highschool degree, BS, MFE...there is no correlation between the degree and where one ends up.
Which qualification (MBA/MFE) would be a best way to become a trader in any investment bank??
Neither. To become a trader, you need talent, luck, being the right place at the right time and host of other factors. I know at least 2 of our graduates from Baruch MFE program are working as trader, one in NYC and one in Chicago.
I don't personally know any trader with an MBA. That doesn't mean there is none.
How is the growth for MFEs w.r.t salaries compared to MBAs?
General rule applies: demand vs supply. That said, MBA and MFE usually end up in different job positions with different pay scale. MFE gives you more career options than an MBA does. A quant may do a job of an investment banker well but an investment banker may not be able to do a quant's job. Individual situation applies.
If you want to go into the Investment Banking division of some of the competitive firms, an MBA may become a solid requirement to even get in.