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Pay for C++ course?

Hey everyone,
So I've basically completed level 1, and am about to submit it to my dropbox folder. I've been reading the instructions for the course here: https://www.quantnet.com/threads/getting-started-on-the-c-programming-certificate.8022/

But didn't see anything about paying... But threads below mine talk about having trouble paying. Where is the instructions for paying?

How to know if I'm officially enrolled?

If you click on he link C++ Programming for Financial Engineering Online Certificate in the main page it will address you to an instructive page in which you will find a link to enroll. When you do so you will be asked to pay with credit/debit and once you do that you will receive an official message from your TA welcoming you to the course with some important links. Since you already done level 1 you can submit it then in the Dropbox folder but not prior to your enrollment.