• Visit the 2024 QuantNet ranking of the Best UK Quant MSc Programs.

Recent content by barbara

  1. New Kid in Town

    The programs will both continue to exist. They have very different objectives. Polytechnic is much less oriented around C++ and NYU does a ton of C++ programming. The idea of Poly's program is to bridge application and theory, and really look at the practical implications. Polytechnic's...
  2. Yuriy, When did you graduate from the Poly program? You seem to be a very active poster here...

    Yuriy, When did you graduate from the Poly program? You seem to be a very active poster here. I would like to meet with you at some point and have coffee and discuss your experience. All the best, Barbara
  3. COMPARE MSMF at IIT, Polytechnic NY, or FSU

    To my knowledge, the department did not even look at the applications of those who scored below a 750 on the GRE Math this past year, so I do not think that what you are saying is quite accurate. At the same time, I know that CMU only accepts people around 790, so there is a difference. Beyond...
  4. Strong Math & Programming background

    The University of Chicago and Columbia both have probability classes that you can take without being accepted into their schools. The University of Chicago's is online and Columbia's is in person in NYC. You could probably register for it in the summer, take temp jobs for half year, study up...