Recent content by Incster

  1. Do any hedge funds or trading firms use AMD chips to drive their low latency applications?

    AMD seems to be taking over the computing world with better chips than Intel can produce, but I haven't heard of any HF or prop firms migrating to them. I remember the lack of DDIO was a blocker when using open onload, but is that still an issue?
  2. How only the closing price of the Nasdaq100 can give so good forecasts?

    There are at least two possibilities: (1) You have discovered a great new technique to forecast one of the most well-known and profitable market indexes using a tiny fraction of the amount of data that everyone else has needed to use. (2) You have made one of the hundreds of mistakes that the...
  3. Is my understanding of linear regression correct?

    I wouldn't say this is wrong per se, but the way you present it by reducing f(X) to a literal linear sum of its argument does not encompass everything a liner regressions can do. But as a reminder, f(X) being linear is does not mean linear in the sense of lines (i.e. \beta_0x_0+...+\beta_nx_n)...
  4. What is the state of modeling at top options market making firms?

    So, if I had a model that was similarly intuitive, flexible and fast, but also actually a model, this would hypothetically be interesting?
  5. What is the state of modeling at top options market making firms?

    Thanks for the link. Is it fair to assume that their models C8, C10 and C12 have 8, 10 and 12 parameters respectively? If I had to really guess, C is "cubic" and the number is number of nodes.
  6. What is the state of modeling at top options market making firms?

    I've been working on a model, and I don't have much knowledge about what the state of theo modeling is at various firms to know whether or not it's useful. I have some connections at a few top-15 prop firms (by volume) to know how it stacks up against them, but these firms aren't ones like SIG...