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UCB MFE 2015 UCB MFE 4th round

does anyone know if the waitlist with 2016-17 guarantee comes higher on the ranking order than plain waitlist?

I think this is applicant-specific. A waitlist with guaranteed placement option might better than vanilla waitlist, which according to someone in Tracker is "UCB way of reject" if there is no other considerations except time. However, it might not be the case for someone who is desperately looking for a career switch and/or have offers from other schools.
Wow! Maybe they're looking at you for a 2016 start date. Have you guys who have been admitted to the program looked at the placement statistics of the Class of 2015 ?
I haven't had any interviews, they have said I will have one at the end of January, if I have completed all the items or if have all the items in progress.
I think this is applicant-specific. A waitlist with guaranteed placement option might better than vanilla waitlist, which according to someone in Tracker is "UCB way of reject" if there is no other considerations except time. However, it might not be the case for someone who is desperately looking for a career switch and/or have offers from other schools.

are you saying that vanilla waitlist is more or less equal to a reject?
i didnt understand the second part
anybody knows where to take the online graded courses? i searched on coursera and edx and found no courses about PDE and numerical analysis...

On Course Era you can search for those classes and they will notify you when they are being provided…?
is hold better than waitlist
i thought following was the order
accept>waitlist with guarantee>vanilla waitlist>hold>reject
please correct me if i am wrong
is hold better than waitlist
i thought following was the order
accept>waitlist with guarantee>vanilla waitlist>hold>reject
please correct me if i am wrong

I wish I could, man. I am just an observer and wannabe applicant. Everything is IMHO.
I wish I could, man. I am just an observer and wannabe applicant. Everything is IMHO.
is hold better than waitlist
i thought following was the order
accept>waitlist with guarantee>vanilla waitlist>hold>reject
please correct me if i am wrong
I think waitlist is better than hold too. Hold should mean they may reconsider the applicant after he completes conditions and he still have to compete with those on waitlist, I think.
Applied in the 4th round. I had one round of interview earlier. I too have been put on a waitlist.

Here is what I have been asked to do :
  • Read the Crack (Heard...), Hull (Options...), Zhou (A Practical...), Brealey (Principles...), and Jones (Macroeconomics) texts and the WSJ weekly.
  • Successfully complete all of the preprogram courses offered by our department in January. "Successful completion" is a B grade or higher.
  • recommended: further self-study of macroeconomics
I have not decided yet. The fee for these pre-program courses is quite high, considering that doing these courses dont guarantee admission for a waitlisted candidate.
The admission office said the Numerical Analysis course is available on Coursera. I haven't been able to find it yet though.
The admission office said the Numerical Analysis course is available on Coursera. I haven't been able to find it yet though.

So were aloud to take Coursera classes and they count as prerequisites even though they are not accredited classes?

If so, you just made my day, aha.
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Okay I'll have a try, but do you know any other online course providers?

Yes, Edx is also another good one, i've taken a course on there. Check it out.

You can also see if your local community college offers the class online, that way your getting the course as credit with an official transcript for less than half the price as at an universities' online course.
Received waitlist with guranteed admission for 2016 Spring! But I have requirements to follow (so it's not 'guranteed' afterall, right?)
This uh, is a little ridiculous, init? Waitlist with guaranteed admission if conditions are met?