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Academic Path

I would appreciate some advice for my academic curriculum.

I am currently a third-year college student. I will be finishing my statistics major and finance minor this semester. I have the option to stay a fourth year if I choose to double major in statistics and finance. Also, I should mention that I go to a non-target school. I chose to be involved in athletics with a smaller price tag. I feel that my graduate degree will trump the second major, and I will be able to get into a MFE program with a statistic major alone. The other side is that I do not have anything set up if I were to graduate this semester. I realize that it is a little late to apply to most FE programs for the fall. I have not taken the GRE yet, so that is also an issue. As far as a personal preference, I am eager to move to a city like Chicago or NY.

Should I graduate this semester or stay another year?
What should I try to do if I were to graduate this semester?