• View the 2024 QuantNet ranking of the Best UK Quant MSc Programs.

  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Do I Qualify, and Where to Get Started?

Hello all. New member here, and I would very much like to get into Quant Development. I seem to be a good fit for the job, but I would like to know for certain.

I have a double major in Math and Physics from University of Wisconsin-Madison with a 4.0 GPA, and I am extremely proficient at C++ (and many other languages), including template metaprogramming / boost / C++11 stuff, etc etc. I might be a better at programming than at both Math and Physics actually.

Does this sound good? If so, any advice on places to find these jobs? I have googled around, and applied for a few I found that way, but any advice is appreciated!
Ive heard that getting into a quant development role takes time, unless you are incredibly experienced in low-latency programming. The best bet would be to take a programming role in finance and work into the quantitative development roles as you gain experience.
There are heavier math requirements these days for quant developers and simply being good at C++ and programming isn't enough anymore. Another method is to go back to school for a master's and try to land an internship. The barrier to entry is lower for internships.