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  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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Princeton MFin From Undergraduate to Quant at Princeton

As the finance industry becomes more competitive and more specialized, preparation for a career as a quant begins earlier and earlier. Students who were quick to discover their interest in quantitative finance demanded programs that would give them the preparation they needed, and universities proved ready and willing to meet that need.

However, while that eagerness to attract students seeking earlier and more advanced preparation created a variety of high-quality programs offering undergrads more advanced financial preparation than ever before, in some cases it also produced a range of choices that was increasingly difficult to navigate.

Evans Xiang, a 2010 Princeton graduate who is now a research analyst at Two Sigma Investments, shared his experiences successfully navigating the range of options to a promising career in quantitative finance and his perspective on choosing a curriculum that provides the necessary level of rigor and the practical applications that prepare students to go straight into a career in the industry.


An article by @Lauren Zumbach, a Princeton student and a writer for Quantnet.
This is great. An undergraduate at Two Sigma. I am sure this will give hope to several other students.