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Fundamental question about Visual studio

I cannot choose "Start without Debugging" when I open the project I previously created on visual studio Express 2012 . I did the following steps. Could you give me advice?

1. Launch visual studio Express 2012 (I use Mac and parallel desktop)
2. Open the project from "File" => "Open Project".
3. Open the test file which includes main function from the Solution Explorer.
4. Try to select "DEBUG" => "Start without Debugging" but it is in the status of grayout and I cannot choose it.

Thank you for your advice in advance.
I cannot choose "Start without Debugging" when I open the project I previously created on visual studio Express 2012 . I did the following steps. Could you give me advice?

1. Launch visual studio Express 2012 (I use Mac and parallel desktop)
2. Open the project from "File" => "Open Project".
3. Open the test file which includes main function from the Solution Explorer.
4. Try to select "DEBUG" => "Start without Debugging" but it is in the status of grayout and I cannot choose it.

Thank you for your advice in advance.
Are all your files included in the project?
I am not sure what I did but now I can choose "Start without Debugging".
BTW, when I open the project which file I should open first, "XXXXX.sln", "XXXXX. vcxproj" or other file? (XXXX is a project name). (This time I opened "XXXXX.sln")

I will report again if I have same issue.