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Getting into Quant Research roles after an above average but not excellent CS PhD in applied ML

Hello all,
Thank you in advance if you ended up reading all of it ^.^, and THANK YOU if you have any advice!

I’m a CS PhD student in my third year, my research is in TinyML for real time systems. I mostly work in C/C++. I’m from UIUC which might be lesser known but is considered a top-5 CS PhD school now.

I have a couple of papers in top systems conferences and expect to get 2-3 more at top real time system conferences ( can get more if I extend my PhD ).

I want to ask how realistic it is for me to break into Quant research space, I’m studying the interview material and brushing up on my leetcode/stats/brain teasers. But I don’t have olympiad medals, math PhD, or went to MIT. I don’t think I’m an elite PhD student( mostly coz I don’t want 10 papers but I do think I can publish them if I REALLY need it ).

I’m quite discouraged by what I read online about it. And I don’t think I fall into most categories that people have posted online about. I’m not elite, but definitely above average(working my way up there!). I have more breadth than depth.

I have published in network science, compilers for probabilistic programming languages, applied machine learning ( 1- paper each I was trying to see what I like) kind of a jack of many fields of CS. Don’t know if it’s the exhaustion of my PhD talking but yeah, not elite, not average.

Should I try for Quant research or Trader roles ? Is it realistic ?
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Try for research roles and I'm sure you can get interviews