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Has anyone heard from Georgia Tech QCF (fall 2011 applicants)?

I too have worked at Merrill (hired through grad program and then SAC), I have most of my friends working in similar capacities and agrees with this. You seem to pick one example and trying to disprove what I just said. I am not giving theorem here but statistics.

For somebody who has worked at Merrill and SAC, I find it funny that you have to resort to applying to a 2nd rate school like GT. With Steven Cohen as a reference, couldn't you attend an online masters from the University of Phoenix and still get job offers from GS, MS, JPM, etc?
@anton - From his old post ,"lonely" is trying to make his way to NY( so no on line degree will achieve that). It appears he does not need/care for the education as such. He is also very confidant of his contacts in the city to land him a job( after he does his time). Given that, it makes sense for him to choose a school which will pay for him to come here and /or has the shortest program or rather something in between depends on what he expects to make in his new job. What is actually funny is that he still pines to get in the top programs ( which are not necessarily that short or likely to fund his stay)

@lonely , BTW just curious have you been admitted to Gatech?
I got admitted at Gatech. I received the admit on April 7th. Are there any more admitted students, in here?
Hi guys.. I applied for fall 2012 georgia tech qcf.. guys who got into georgia tech with a scholarship, can you please share your profile?