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How Universities Are Failing Finance Students

Absolutely agree!
1) “Half of the books about finance are written by authors who have not practiced what they teach” (I would say not half but 90%)
2) “Most journals in finance are merely tenure-track vehicles, in which aspiring professors publish articles not in the hope of having their theories tested (which would require an investment firm), but to simply check the mandatory boxes in their job applications,”
3) López de Prado takes higher finance education and academic research to task for operating in a vacuum outside the pragmatic world of industry.

Look e.g. at the University of Ulm, where I studied. By that time it was a top-notch MSc Program, at least in Germany.
But now they teach obsolete stuff with obsolete books, just look at the year of publication!
Interest Rate Models - Ulm University

Moreover, I suggested Robert Stelzer to give a block-course for students on practical fixed income modeling (by that time I worked for German Finance Agency, a company that manages German sovereign debt). An arrogant (and I suspect ignorant) guy even didn't deign to reply to my email...