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If quit PhD?

I'm a third year PhD student in Hong Kong, major in physics and there is only one year left for graduation. I have been admitted by UCLA MFE. But if I accept the AD this year, I need to quit my PhD program but still can get a master degree.
Some other points:
(1) I don't want to do academic research in the future, and have already made my mind to have a career in financial industry, maybe quant, risk management, or something else.
(2) My wife will have her LLM program in US this year, this is another reason why I want to go to US.

So, based on the above points, I would like to ask
(1) Compare a master in physics+master in FE and a PhD in physics, which is better for my future career?
(2) Whether I should quit my PhD program?
Wait a year, finish your Phd then look for a job or maybe consider an MFE if you can't get a position.
Wait a year, finish your Phd then look for a job or maybe consider an MFE if you can't get a position.
Tanks a lot! So you mean a PhD degree is much better than two master degree? I really don't know if a Hong Kong PhD could find a position on finance in US.
I can't really comment as to how a Phd stacks up against two masters. If I had guess I'd say it's better. But either way, you only have a year left, no reason to jump ship now. Try to transition after and if you really can't find a way in look into a MFE. But you probably don't need it with a Phd
if you can, finish your PhD! Many finance positions in US look for PhDs in hard science. In the meantime, defer enrollment. You still have plenty of MFE choices waiting for you.
You know your situation best.. but from the information you've provided... you can always defer your MFE admission or even apply to other programs. If you leave the PhD program, I would imagine, they won't let you come back and finish up later.

You need to figure out what's most important to you and your future career options...
Of course finish your phd. Don't let your past 3 years effort go.

I do believe u can get admission to a much better MFE program than UCLA if u prepare one more year,

Sorry for Digging this up. I am now considering an opportunities in doing a financial math phd in hongkong polyu.

Did you ended up going to the states. Could you provide any insights on who would a phd from hongkong be regarded over there. Would I be able to find a job directly in the US after I complete my degree in HongKong? Or they do not care for PhDs else where, and another MFE after a PhD is still needed. (even the direction of my phd research could be very quant industrial related and applicable?)