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  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Is a Quant.fin route a wise one?

I have been just admitted to a Quant.fin Bs.I am not sure if this is the right route to become an excellent quant.I also fear being overlooked by top MFE schools in favour of math/stat/CS/physics oe engineering majors.The carriculum covers a lot of actuarial science content,a lot of statistics and a lot of finance and economics content.My worry though is that it does not cover enough(i think) math content as only the first 2 semesters out of 4 cover pure math stuff.My questions are:does a Q.fin undergrad have a chance at being admitted at a top MFE program/school,and if there is a chance,compare it to that of a math/stat/CS/physics or engineering undergrad.I would appreciate any advice or info you people can offer me.Thankyou.
>>The carriculum covers a lot of actuarial science content,a lot of statistics and a lot of finance and economics content
That's a red flag. You are fed a lot of dumbed down version content and get short charged on the foundation math + cs courses that will be needed later on if you go on to graduate school.
I don't believe the purpose of these undergrad QF degrees is to prepare you to MFE program, but rather getting you a job. It will most likely fall short on either goal.
Thankyou for your advice but I can't say that I am not disappointed.Well,does undergrad college name/prestige have any value in being admitted to the top MFF programs.What do you recommend,studying for a engineering or math/stastics degree.
I think its engineering since the is a lot of physics but I also love math/stat.I can comfortably pick any for my undergrad,but what i need to know is if MFE admissions are favouring which of the two these days and which one in 5/6 years to come.thankyou for your help.