• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
    Ideal for entry level positions interviews and graduate studies, specializing in options trading arbitrage and options valuation models. Learn more Join!

Baruch MFE Job / Career Coaching at Baruch

Ellen gave our students the confidence and insider knowledge they need in today’s job market. She gave each student individualized attention and the transformation we witnessed in their way to present and represent themselves after working with Ellen was tremendous and heart warming.
Amazing. I cannot thank all that helped arrange her involvement in the program enough. I feel the 1 on 1 meetings with us were especially helpful.