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Need some advices


I'm 16 and I'd like to become a quant. I'm in my last high school year in Switzerland so I'll have to make important choices soon. So I'd like your advices on the following points:

1) Next year I'm going to start university. But I don't know which Bachelor to do. I'd like to do the Master in Finance in Princeton or the Master in Financial Engineering in Columbia. So to do one of these two masters, what is the best bachelor to get, in mathematics or in economics ?

2) Will I be accepted in the two programs I exposed earlier with "only" a bachelor in mathematics or economics ?

3) I don't care about the money but I'd like to know just for the record:
-How much does a quant earn the first year after he gets his master ?
-What is the higher salary a quant can earn in his career ?

Sorry for bad english, I'm still learning.