• View the 2024 QuantNet ranking of the Best UK Quant MSc Programs.

  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
    Ideal for entry level positions interviews and graduate studies, specializing in options trading arbitrage and options valuation models. Learn more Join!

New Quantnet members say hi

Hello from Montreal,
I wanted to thank all the quantnet members... the threads are very helpful. The forum helped me a lot when making my school choices.
I applied to the MFE at Baruch this week...hoping to have a positive answer.
I'm actually working in Montreal at CDP Capital ( [SIZE=-1]www.lacaisse.com ) in an Index and Quant team.
Nahed <-- ( for those who are asking themselves Nahed is a girl name );)
Hi Andy !!
(i added the pic after my posting ;))
Our main activity is equity index replication (Cash and Synthetic) and find solutions for the indexes that are difficult to replicate for reasons like low liquidity of stocks, abscence of futures contrats on certain indices :-k......
We are also responsible of : hedging currency risk for the other PMs in the department, portfolio transitions, alpha transport... We use Python to automate our activities.
I have been working on enhanced indexing strategies to minimize the tracking error of portfolios....

Hi Alain:

Thanks for your suggestion. It is indeed something that I should think about. I thought it would be difficult for people who have neither related experience nor related degree to enter the quant industry. But you are right, I never know if I don't try.

Hi Eric:

Thanks for those informative links! I will take a look at them. In addition to guidance to enter finance industry, I am interested in hearing people who actually work in industry talking about their life as a quant and their perspective for their career.

Greetings to you all...

The maze is too dark
or the maze is too bright..!!

But I have my dreams .....
safe in my sight.

The Sun has to rise
with all its lovely light...
or I'll bring in the Moon..for if it's a pitch dark night....

And 'll never accept a death
without a passionate fight.....!!!

......dedicated to all those of us who find themselves lost some where in this beautiful maze of Quantz..
Any comments regarding Uni. of Toronto MMF program?

Hi Everyone,

I will really appreciate some feedback regarding University of Toronto program. What are the job prospects in US/Canada/UK after finishing the program?

Also, since they don't require GMAT or GRE, what are my chances if I have a strong software background in addition to academic background in engineering and finance?

You will contact somebody in that program. We have no idea.
Hi imfe,
When I applied to Baruch mfe in 2006, Toronto was one of the most popular programs then. A lot of people talked about and applied there. I haven't heard or seen much discussion about it the last 2 years.
I guess U Toronto program falls out of fashion just like many thing in life. It's a good program and makes sense if you live in Canada and want to work there but with the number of competitive program in US (specially the NYC area), location is why most people choose to go to Baruch, nyu, Columbia, etc...all are close and known to Wall street.
Hello everybody, i am the sophormore at Baruch College and majoring in Finance and Investment. I gonna take a MFE at Baruch,too. Please someone who knows how to prepare yourself success to attend this program in your undergraduate time tells me that.
Hi folks, I'm a mathematics graduate who wants to get into a good financial engineering/applied finance masters program. Hope to get some useful info here as well as contribute some of my own (if possible!).

Nice to meet all of you!
Monil .. from Delhi, India

hey .. this is Monil from Delhi, India .. i found the community interesting .. joined! :)
New to Quantnet

Hello everyone,

My name is Allen and I'm new to Quantnet and I'd like to formally introduce myself. So, "Hello World".

I am a recent convert from CS. Currently in my first year PhD. I just took my GRE a few days ago, and hopefully I will be able to get in a good places even though it is a little late now :(
Aspiring quant...

Hi All,

I've been hunting high and low on the web for information on starting a part-time phd program in fe. Basically i want to keep working and get a phd. sounds easy enough, but nothing, nada, until I found this site.

Awesome posts. Interesting posts. Its bookmarked and now I've joined.

Hopefully I can find some good guidance here...:prayer:

Eric Fleming, I've been reading your posts all over the place and I like, any suggestions on part-time phd fe programs?
Hello everyone!

My name is Gleb. I am a new applicant for FE. Applied for Fall 2008 and now sitting and waiting (biting my nails). I am looking forward to joining the quant community.
hey I'm glad I found this forum.....my other method to finding other quants around the world was searching for "quantitative analyst" in facebook and adding anybody as friends who showed up on that list :)

Alright my name is George, pretty new to the quant field after studying physics and marketing majors in my undergraduate, realised I couldnt do really much with that, I enrolled into a masters in quantitative finance at university of technology, Sydney. .... Now i'm regretting I should of chosen a finance major...ah well

Hi everyone, I should be graduating this summer with a phd in engineering/applied math, and have been exploring opportunities in the financial sevices industry -- specifically, quant research. This community has been a great source of info. Thanks,
Hello Every one!!

Hello everyone ..I am a new comer to the world of Quants, I just found about this field few days ago, and I think I found myself a new passion :) besides Golf :). I hope to see you all around the forum.
Hi Folks,

I have been working long in the IT and for quite some year in the IB and now looking forward for the transition in the quant fields. Thanks for having such community.