• View the 2024 QuantNet ranking of the Best UK Quant MSc Programs.

  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
    Ideal for entry level positions interviews and graduate studies, specializing in options trading arbitrage and options valuation models. Learn more Join!

New Quantnet members say hi

I would say one thing dude "Heroes Rise, Heroes fall,Rise again win it all".Every big guy today has labored and toiled.Just keep up your fight."Success made me a boy,failures made me a man"

Hi Everyone!

My name is Manolet Go. I just finished my master's in Financial Markets (concentration on Financial Engineering) at IIT, Chicago. And, I am currently looking for a quant developer position in the job market.

Prior to my master's, I was an IT consultant with some experience in programming in Excel VBA. With my master's degree, I acquired other programming skills such as C++, Matlab, Python, etc and some quant skills. Although I finished a degree that I could describe as not as pure quant as it could be and having no prior experience in the finance field, I am still hoping that I could land an entry level quant job, capitalizing on my IT experience and some quant finance I learned from school.

I was wondering if there is someone out there who has the same profile as mine or someone who sympathizes with me. That we could share some ideas on how to be successful in the job market, especially now that the US economy is slowing down and not many jobs are available as before.
In 4,5 yrs you can get a PhD why go for a second bachelors.

I guess good GPA in University is one of the factors that make sure to access to the top university of pursuing financial engineering in the United States. I only worried about my poor GPA.:-ss
Hello from Groningen,The Netherlands.

Hello guys.I am a Chinese student from University of Groningen(Rijksuniversite Groningen in Dutch),majoring Economics.I am a freshmen this year(2008-09),willing to make friends like you guys with ambitious.:dance: Join this great forum is my first step to MFE....


I'm a new member too...

I'm French, master graduated in Financial Engineering from the University of Nice (UNSA) in France (also named the university of sun!!!), and I passed a Bachelor in Economics and Management at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), Canada.

I'm 25 years old.

Just to say hi!!:D

I am a financial engineering aspirant from India .Just appeared for GRE and got a score of 1350(550 V + 800 Q) .Just let me know if these scores are good enough to get admission to a descent US university probably with financial aid. I have good academic record and hold 2 years of experience as a software engineer.

I'm a new member. I have an econ/math background, am currently working at goldman sachs and will go to princetons MFin next year!

Hi all,
Just registered on Quantnet.I did my Master's cum bachelor's in Mathematics and Computing from IIT Delhi(India).I have been working for the past one year in an analytics firm.This forum looks like a great place to discuss quant.
Hoping to participate actively.
Just let me know if these scores are good enough to get admission to a descent US university probably with financial aid.

You have a very goode score, but the score is not the only thing that matters.

If you are going to apply to Masters program, there is usually no financial aid available. PhD is a different story.

Good luck!
Hi all,

My name is Eddie. I got my PhD on Speech/Voice processing at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. I am interested to be a quant after reading the book "My Life as Quant". I am targeted to work at my home town: Hong Kong.
Hi there...new member

hi all,

My first post on this forum...just started on a new role as a business analyst on OTC derivatives. Have found this forum very helpful so far. Hope to contribute one way or the other.
Future plans: looking to apply to CMU MSCF next year. Have around 8 years of IT exp in Finance area. Hoping to get to know more about this program and similar programs.

Hi, My name is Clement from Sydney, Australia. I graduated as an actuarial study degree from Melbourne University. Currently thinking to do a master degree with actuarial study or financial mathematics.

my msn is arcong@msn.com
Hello, Quantnet

I have been a computer hacker since fifth grade. I bought my first stock around the same time. I have been doing financial research and modeling since tenth grade (2001). I suppose this was inevitable given my two passions: investing and programming. My research has yielded some interesting results and I currently am trading based on the outcome of one specific experiment.

Hello, Quantnet! (Goodbye, zero-post nag.)
hi everyone,
i have some problems with the Pre-requisite for the MFE program. since i didn't take many calculus during the undergra years at Baruch, i have to take the math classes now in order to apply for the MFE program at Baruch. i plan to take Linear Algebra, and introduction to probability at Baruch. however, the Intermediate Math is the pre-requisite for Linear Algebra and intro for probability. that means i have to spend one semester (Fall 08) to take the intermediate cal and will take the other two calsses on spring 2009 so that i could apply for the MFE for the Fall 09 semester. it seems that's not a problem. but i am working full-time and i am afraid that i have conflict between the class schedule for math on Fall 09 and my working hours since Baruch does NOT have classes on weekend. can anyone help me out here?:prayer: any advice will be appreciated:dance:Thanks!!

PS: let me talk about my profile. i graduated from Baruch College with a major in Finance and Investment. i had a GPA of 3.7+, but i got a C+ at the Options class, will it be a problem when i apply for the MFE program? i passed the CFA level I exame, and currently working at a bank.
Hi there...Anand from Georgia


I am a pharmacist looking for a career change. At the moment, I am wrapping up my pre-requisites (Calc II/III, Linear Algebra, Diff Equ, and probability and statistics) for Georgia Tech's Masters in QCF program.

My two biggest concerns in my quest for a quants career:

1) Limited to no exposure in programming; however, I have used VB and SQL extensively.
2) My age---I am 35 and will be 37 when I complete the Masters Program.\

Any thoughts or comments?
Hey everyone,

My name's Lloyd. I'm a recent Economics-Mathematics graduate from St. Lawrence University. I am currently taking a break and golfing every day :). I'm working towards a CFA, took the level 1 in June. My current plans are debating between a masters or getting some work experience.
hi, everyone. I am a new comer.
I will have my MSCF at CMU NY campus this August.
My bachelor is mainly in actuarial science. Now I have enter a new area with both excite and fear.
I am Barum. I am currently stuyding at University of Toronto in Canada, specializing in economics and mathematics. (It's a combined program.)
Found this forum while searching for information on MFE programs and what courses I should take in preparation during undergrad. (I am picking courses for my third year now) Looks like I found the right place. :)