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Phd @ Birkbeck College - Part time

Hi Guys,

Is any one here who is a Phd candidate at Birkbeck? I want to apply for a part time Phd in Finance (preferably Financial Mathematics). There is not much information out there about the structure of this program. Also, what will be the suitable admission requirements? I want to know how manageable it will be with a full time job and what is the length of the program.

Thanks in advance!
As usual with PhD programs in the UK, the best way to get in is to contact a potential supervisor directly. Which area would you like to work in? By the way, "finance" and "financial mathematics" are two completely different things.
Here is the advice I received from a previous manager. If you want to do a PhD, do it full time.
That's not necessarily a good idea. A full time PhD can result in a 3-4 year career break, and it can be difficult to find a job afterwards.