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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Profile Evaluation


My profile is here:

Undergraduate Class of 2012.

Undergraduate: 4.6/5.0 in NTU(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

GRE: 149V/160Q

-Dean's List
-Book Prize for one year 4 subject
-Excellence Award for good academic performance.

- C++ during Internship
- MATLAB during Final Year Project ( Project on Machine-Learning -> Learnt Basics in Computer Vision and Machine Learning)
-Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git in my First Job as Web Developer
-Objective-C, SQL in my current Job as Mobile Application Developer
- taken Finance electives in undergrad(Business Finance and Accounting -> scored an A+ for both subjects)
-taken Engineering Mathematics subjects in undergrad( scored an A- or above)

No financial work experience, just theory. But got software and mathematics experience.

Very good self-starter. Adaptable. Good at Mathematics and Programming.

Have Applied to:
-CMU (Round1, still pending)
-Baruch College
- UCB( on Hold)
-MIT (Round 2)

Planning to apply:

Really want to study Financial Engineering because you can learn Finance, Statistics, Programming and Maths and you need to be good at all of them to be a good Financial Engineer.

Started to read up on Stochastic Calculus and Options already. Dun intend to register in courses because they are expensive. I can read up on these on my own. I am sure I can do it as all you need is interest. I am very interested in getting into this area..

Not sure whether I will get into the schools I have applied. Worried they might reject.

Any suggestion what to improve on. Any insight is hugely appreciated.
I know higher the better, but i have seen schools like Columbia which say that need at least 150 for Verbal
They 3 parameters, average score of students applied, min score to apply, and average score of accepted students.

I read it at Baruch, and other Univ where they average score of Quant of accpted students 790, revised GRE 165+.
it is the average of students of who applied.. since it is the average, there will be surely students below the average score. Why can't i be one of them?
Scores are just a part of application, sop lor resume projects experience and other aspects will balance that.
I think seniors can put more light on how to make them strong.
Any other suggestions besides the GRE Q score needs to be improved? Would like to hear some comments from the seniors..
By the time I join the school, I will have at least one year of experience. Is that enough?