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I am in the third year in college studying Accounting and Finance.A friend of mine who graduated from the msc finance and economics at lse , told me that you can't be a quant if you do this 10 month master's degree,you have to have an engineering/math or statistics backround.(He studied acc&fin and now works for a BB,he valuates the risk for trading desks).What's your opinion guys?If i decide to become a quant, should i finish this degree and then go for a Bsc in Mathematics?
A lot depends on what you mean by a "quant", but accounting and finance degrees rarely have enough math to prepare you for this line of work. Also there is a strong correlation between the inherent maths ability of a candidate and the sort of degree they do and yours is one where the correlation is not good.
So,there's no possibility to work at fields such as Quantitative Research or Sales & Trading?In high school i was an excellent student at maths,but i had to choose a degree.Professors didnt encouraged very much to do degrees such as engineering and i ended up here.

Actually,i know someone who studied acc&fin ,did the mfin at MIT and now works in Quantitative Research.