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Relevance of Undergrad School in Applying to Masters

Hi all,

I'm a student at UCI, and I'm concerned about my prospects of getting into a good Masters program en route to a job in quant. The applications I've seen in the Tracker have all been from students at schools with much better standing/prestige than mine which has given me little reprieve. Also, one of the only mentions of UCI here warns the OP to not transfer into the school...

I'm planning on applying to Masters programs during the 2024-2025 window. Aside from my school, my credentials are as solid as can be - 4.0 GPA, double major in Computer Science and Quantitative Economics, two SWE internships, research experience in econometrics, graduating early - so I wanted to know whether or not to first apply for another degree (such as MS CS) at a better school before applying for a terminal, quantitative degree. However, I understand that going for another degree adds extra cost, so I'm unsure as to whether or not it's a good decision to pursue one.

In sum, does the brand name of the school I attended significantly matter in my application process? Any and all insight is appreciated.
I can only speak to my experience in this application cycle, but i went to an SEC school that is not well regarded for their academics and have had success with top 10 admits. i think your grades and math curriculum is really the sticking point. I would apply directly to MFE programs.