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  • C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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UCB MFE Should I retake the GRE?

I have a 780 Quant GRE score from two years ago (before my current masters). I am only applying to UCLA and UCB and understand this is on the threshold for MFE admission. Would you recommend I try to obtain a higher score before applying?

Thanks for any advice!

Depends on the rest of your application. For a weak application, high test scores are needed to compensate for other things. For a strong application, a high test score just gets you over the threshold.

If it was me I wouldn't retake it unless I has very sure of getting 800 on the next try.
Yeah agreed - it'd depend on how strong the rest of your profile is.

Personally I got 770 quant, but still got accepted to Cornell (with $27.5k scholarship - starting this fall), CMU, MIT, Columbia, LSE and Imperial. Got rejected from Princeton and Stanford though - likely because of my quant score.