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T30 CS/Math Student Profile Evaluation Request

Hey everyone, was hoping to get a profile review to help me figure out what schools to target for a financial engineering/computational finance/etc masters, here's my stats.

Year: Junior

Majors: Computer Science, Mathematics

School: Top 30 in CS

GPA: 3.6/4

Relevant Classes: Data structures(B+), calc 2(A), func programming(A), discrete math(A), calc 3(A), probability for cs(A-), systems(coding in c, A), linear algebra(A-), numerical analysis(C-), algorithms(C-) (I shouldn't have taken these classes together in a one month compressed semester...) Current Classes: NLP, data science, machine learning intro, ordinary diff eq, SWE

Relevant experience:
  • Worked as a full time software engineer for two years after having to take some time off. It was at a startup and I got exposed to a lot of cool technology and gained some experience in NLP using LLMs etc. I have some fun AI-leveraging projects still in production there that I could show off in an interview or something, but nothing too fancy.
  • Interned at a medium sized tech company before that, working on internal tooling and CI/CD infra.
My end goal is to be something like a quant analyst I think? All I want to do is create models and implement them, not execution(I know this is weird for a CS student but I like stats/math modeling a lot at the moment). As far as schools I'm interested in, I'm thinking somewhere decently close to NYC.

There really aren't that many programs. Just apply to the ones that you would go to.
There really aren't that many programs. Just apply to the ones that you would go to.
Agreed. However, I would like to hear some guesses about what chances I have at various schools.