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Taking time off from Work before MFE

I have been admitted to a program of my choice. Is it wrong to take 3-4 months off before starting the program to 1) travel a bit to refresh myself 2) Study up a bit prior to joining the program to be a little better prepared for the program.

In other words, could a school actually have a problem with this?
Do it. Once you begin you will be stifled with work and then be 100% committed to look for an internship/entry level job. This will likely be your last vacation for a while.
Do it. Once you begin you will be stifled with work and then be 100% committed to look for an internship/entry level job. This will likely be your last vacation for a while.
To further add, this is in regards to leaving a FT job so I can take 4 months off to travel. Don't know if that changes things.