• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Wanna be Quant

You could apply to an MFE program.
You could ask around your company for changing roles, even if it takes a pay cut.
You could get a recruiter and go on interviews to see what happens.

I would start w/ the second. Ask around to find out what types of work quants do in your company. See what it would take to cross over.
I am working as a contractor with IB. My Employer is consultant base company.

Please, suggest some book on maths or Quant (C++)....
We talk about this sort of thing in our Guide.

I guess you're going for a quant developer position ?
The amount of "quant" in this is very variable, you can get some positions merely be having read and understood Wilmott if your C++ is good enough.
"good" in this context includes STL with some threading and Boost.
Sussing out XLLS also is good.