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What languages/tools you use at work

Quantnet members who are still in MFE programs or thinking about it would benefit greatly if our members who are recent MFE graduates or working quants can tell us what languages/tools you use. Also tell us which side you work on so our members can learn which things are used in the real world out there.
Work: private equity, buy side quantitative modeling
Tools: C++, Matlab, vba/excel, sas and plenty of in-house tools.
What are the analytic tools that you use?


I'm a university faculty doing research on financial derivatives analytics. Web lit implies that Excel/VBA, MATLAB and applications built with C++ are widely popular for this kind of analytic work, but I'm working if that's really the whole picture.

If your job is to carry out financial derivatives analytics, can you please reply with the software tools that you actually use to do your analysis? I want to know, even if its a custom application. This will help tremendously.

Thank you!
In the credit world, some of the vendors that sell analytics tools are
1) Quantifi - Credit Derivative Models and Risk Analysis for Synthetic CDOs, Credit Default Swaps, Options on CDS and Exotic Credit Derivatives.
2) NumeriX - Financial Derivatives and Risk Analytics

They are VERY expensive since most of their clients are hedge funds and investment banks. There is no pricing on the web. You have to call their sale to find out.

3) In-house custom tools. Depends on how big the place is, there are tools created by in house quant teams.
4) Lastly, your custom tools. Tools from 1,2,3 are used to solve a small part of your problem. You will have to tailor them into your tools.
If the tools are Excel addins, then you use VBA. If the tools are via API, then you can use C# to interface. Most of the vendors now write they products in C#.

Keep in mind that the tools used in credits may be different from those in equity, fx, options, etc
Quantnet members who are still in MFE programs or thinking about it would benefit greatly if our members who are recent MFE graduates or working quants can tell us what languages/tools you use. Also tell us which side you work on so our members can learn which things are used in the real world out there.

Work: Equity Options - Execution Services/ECN
Tools: Microsoft SQL, Java, Perl

I am always curious which C++ IDEs are used by financial industry . So far I learn MS Visual C++.NET, which is not a real C++ in my opinion (because Microsoft calls it CLI and it is a managed code). So my questions are:

  • Do financial companies really use VC++.NET?
  • How about MFC, do people in finance still use it? Will people still use it in the future?
  • How about C++ in Linux/UNIX environment, what IDE should I use (Qt, Gtk or other)? I know a lot of finance companies require C++ under UNIX but I don't know what tools I should learn.
Thank you.:)