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Would you send a "merry xmas" email to your network?


I wanted to get a general opinion as to what the trend is in the US (I am not from here).

1. Is it considered good practice to send a "Merry xmas & Happy new yr" email just to maintain contact with professors & internship managers ? Or would it seem too pushy ??

2. If this is not advised, what are some of the ways people stay in touch with professors & other people in their "network" (like managers from internships or senior bankers that you may have met through some contact) ? I don't always have something to say to them, yet I believe that out-of-sight is out-of-mind, so I don't want to break the connections I have formed. Any suggestions would be very welcome !

Thanks !!
The official name is "Christmas".

Not everyone celebrates it, but people should not get annoyed :)