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Good Book for Advanced Calculus

Try Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach (http://matrixeditions.com/UnifiedApproach4th.html); it's used in the honors calculus sequence at Cornell and written by the professor who teaches it.

A fine book, but like the one by Janich, written for pure math types. The moment you talk about differential 1-forms -- which live in the cotangent space and act as linear functionals on tangent vectors -- you're going to lose just about everyone who isn't a pure mathematician.
vincegata :: you make no sense with your statement; calculus is a subset of analysis.

and Analysis is a subset of Mathematics...

There lies your ignorance. Adv Calc and Analysis are at a different level, clearly OP was not asking for Analysis book. I bet you cannot tell the difference what Adv Calc and Analysis cover.
vincegata :: *sigh* this really depends on how a school defines them, so your make a really moot point :rolleyes:

That does not depend on how a school defines them, these subjects are universally and well defined. I told you, you would not tell the difference. Open Adv Calc by Kaplan and Analysis by Rudin and you'll see the difference. I am not going to read this thread anymore fyi.