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C++ Online Certificate Students' intro thread

Hi, I am Satyam. Glad to meet you all.

Objective: I want to leave no stone unturned in my MFE application for Fall '24.
Programming Experience: C++ (mainly for competitive programming), Java, Golang. 4 years of software engineering work experience.
Current Work: Building tech for brokerage platform.
Intended Pace: 6-8 weeks.
Hi, I'm Amy. Nice to meet everyone!

Objective: prep for 2024 MFE program application, but also want a deeper understanding of C++
Programming Experience: Mainly Python. Took C++ for a semester
Current Work: Quant Researcher in a Chicago prop shop
Intended pace: 6-8 weeks.
Objective: Reconnect with C++ and see what's been happening in the space since I graduated.
Programming experience: Java and C# for more years than I care to mention :cry:
Current work: Sports Pricing
Intended pace: Will be working through my IFoA exams so as and when I find time to undertake the homework exercises.
Hey, I'm Sid Iyer. Glad to join the program!
Objective: 1. Learn C++ the right way because Uni courses were not comprehensive, 2. requirements for Baruch Fall 2024 MFE application.
Programming Experience: Python, R, Java
Current Work: Quant Risk Associate - Model Development
Intended pace: 8-10 weeks.
Hi, my name is Harvey Wang. Nice to meet you all!

Objective: 1.Preparing for Baruch Fall 2024 MFE application 2. Get familiar with C++'s application for real work investment/trading projects

Programming experience: Python(OOP), Matlab/R/C++/VBA(not in full time production)

Current work: Investment Analytics Associate - Fixed Income

Intended pace: 6-8 weeks.
Hi everyone, great to be on here and get to know y'all. I'm a recent finance graduate from USA.

Objective: Add more programming experience to my resume for both MFE applications and job applications.

Programming Experience: Python and EViews

Current Work: Financial analyst and upcoming grad student

Intended pace: Looking to finish by early March and potentially take the VBA/Python/SQL course as well in advance of my studies
Hello everyone, I just graduated with a bachelor's in Econometrics.
Objective: I want to add more programming experience in C++ to round up my resume.
Programming Experience: R, Python, and SQL
Intended Pace: 10-12 weeks
Current Work: Upcoming quantitative analysis job
Hi Everyone,

Objective: Prepare for Quant interviews and increase knowledge of C++
Programming Experience: C++, Python, MATLAB, Fortran
Current Work: Autonomy/Artificial Intelligence Reserach Engineer for large Aerospace company
Intended Pace: Hoping to complete by the end of April.
Hi, I'm Jerry. Nice to meet you all!
Objective: for admission to 24Fall MFE program

Programming: Python, R, Stata, Java, Matlab

Current Work: Undergraduate Student majoring in Applied Math and Economics

Intended pace: Hoping to complete by March